Services / Personal Care
We are here for you.
Personal care can be defined by the CQC as “care for people who are unable to provide it for themselves, because of old age, illness or disability, and which is provided to them in the place where those people are living at the time when the care is provided.”
It is believed that as many as 1.5 million people in the UK suffer from a learning disability, with 1% of the population on the autism spectrum.
At Stepping Stones, we provide specialist care for young people with learning disabilities. We want to empower the people we support to live their lives to the full and increase their independence without being limited by other people’s expectations or prejudices.
What Can We Do?
Stepping Stones will provide a 24-hour Service of care for young people with Autism and learning disabilities that have been assessed to ‘need assistance’ to meet their personal, social and care needs. The rights and dignity of all the people we support is paramount and their living skills will be developed to enhance their quality of life.
The people we support have the right to an allocated keyworker who will meet with them regularly (at times agreed with them) to support with any issues in a two-way process. This process will work towards the people we support being able to maintain their home and achieve greater independence.
Support to Live Alone
Our services provide individual packages of support, available to service users who are living alone or individual tenants living in multiple-occupancy houses. The fully inclusive range of support packages may include anything from one hour a day to 24-hour support.
We Can Provide Support to Those Choosing to Live Alone By:
- Helping to find a property that fits their needs.
- Helping with finding transport.
- Providing help when needed.
- Helping with shopping.
- Assisting with paying bills and managing the home life.

Why Choose Stepping Stones?
We also support customers to access their local community and engage in leisure interests to pursue their hobbies and interests. Our aim is to help the people we support to live their lives to the fullest, while becoming included, contributing members of the community living completely independently or with minimal support.
Emerald House
Emerald House is the multi-occupancy residential home we manage, located in Coombe, Kingston Upon Thames. Emerald House is a residential home providing personal care for up six people with a learning disability, autism and/or mental health needs across two separate units, each of which have separate adapted facilities.
What Personal Care Do We Provide?
We support those within the supported living service to carry out everyday tasks.
These include:
- Cooking
- Cleaning
- Laundry
- Budgeting
- Shopping
- Attending appointments
- Education
- Training, work and/or volunteering opportunities
- Assisting with other individual needs