Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is a person-centred approach to caring for people with a learning disability, who may display challenging behaviours.
Challenging behaviours can damage people’s quality of life and safety, which can sometimes lead them to be excluded from the community in some way.
They can be looked at as a form of communication, as the person is letting others know their needs are not being met.
They can include, but are not restricted to:
- Hitting or kicking other people.
- Throwing things.
- Self-harming.
What Are the Benefits of PBS?
The benefits of PBS are important to include the best care for each individual to receive the best care.
Benefits include:
- It aims to understand the challenging behaviours of individuals by assessing the physical and social environment in which the behaviour occurs.
- Works to enhance quality of life.
- Unrestrictive as possible.
- It ensures mindfulness of preferences around communication.
How Can PBS be delivered?
PBS can be delivered in a number of ways, depending on the individual and their needs. A functional assessment should be carried out to understand these needs and possible triggers of challenging behaviours.
At Stepping Stones, we believe in the importance of person-centred care and Positive Behaviour Support for our service users. Contact us today for more information.